Prayers for Unity.

Ancient Indian prayer:  'Namaste'

I honor in you that place in you where the Lord resides.
And when you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me
Then there is only one of us."  The Fire of Silence and Stillness: An Anthology of Quotations for the Spiritual Journey. P. 20

"Our Father, bless us that when we are free, we may gather in heaven to celebrate Thy birth within us. Manifest Thyself within and without. Unite us all; in the light of that union may we find Thy One Presence. With all the devotion of our merged hearts, of our united souls, we fall at Thy feet of omnipresence. (...)." Paramahansa Yogananda, Man's Eternal Quest, P.183.

Thomas Merton's prayer offered during the First Spiritual Conference in Calcutta

Prayerful Reflection of John Kloster offered during the meeting of the Commission for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations of the Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton, September 1998.

Opening Prayer for the meeting of the Commission for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations of the Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton offered by Peter Rajski, June 1999. (Interfaith).

Opening Prayer for the Edmonton District Council of Churches, June 1999, offered by Rob Hankinson. (Christian).

Prayer for Interfaith Meeting

Last updated: 2001/08/19
